Who are the East Slavs and where did they come from?

Here, in my blog, I will tell you about the history of East Slavic Tribes from 9th century up to the present days, their lifestyle, traditions and rites, and more interesting stuff.

понедельник, 1 апреля 2019 г.

I have made an interesting test for you about my topic, i hope you will check it and get some useful information. (https://ru.surveymonkey.com/r/V2GHHSL)
And, as a result, there is some analytics, i had known about the most difficult questions for people about the Russian History, exactly for the first period of it. Here are they:
But, the people that passed through this test, have good knowledge about the history of Eastern Slavs. Thank you so much.
All ethnic groups of the Slavs in present time

понедельник, 25 февраля 2019 г.

10 internet etiquette core rules for bloggers 

1. Just because it’s free, it doesn’t mean it’s safe
As a rule of thumb, paid software is almost always secure and safe. It wouldn’t make sense for a cybercriminal to limit the number of victims by imposing a paywall.While the free software itself might be safe and legit, the website itself may try to compromise your security through drive-by downloads.
If you are not sure about a software that you want to download and use, just google it.

Do not reveal sensitive information online
Social media is the first place criminals check to gather information on you. They will use any piece of information they can find, such as your name, birthdate, address, city, your spouse/partners name, what sort of pet you have, name of the pet. Literally, anything that you can think of.

3.  What you post online stays online forever
We post photos, remarks, location updates and similar content, which we think is fine because we use an anonymous username on a small niche forum.But niche forums are also indexed by search results, and if you reuse the username, other people can start to connect the dots.
This is called doxxing, where people hunt for information about an internet user until they manage to figure out who they are in real life.

4.Know where you are in cyberspace
What's perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another. For example, in most TV discussion groups, passing on idle gossip is perfectly permissible. But throwing around unsubstantiated rumors in a journalists' mailing list will make you very unpopular there.
And because Netiquette is different in different places, it's important to know where you are.

5. Do not violate  the copyright
First of all, the owner can always reproduce the work for which he or she holds the copyright to. He or she has the sole right to disclose their work, in this case, image publicly, with or without their name. The person who owns the copyrights can prepare derivatives of their work. They can always distribute their work for sales, rentals or display.

 6. Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Today, it's as easy to copy practically anyone on your mail as it is not to. And we sometimes find ourselves copying people almost out of habit. In general, this is rude. People have less time than ever today, precisely because they have so much information to absorb. Before you copy people on your messages, ask yourself whether they really need to know. If the answer is no, don't waste their time. If the answer is maybe, think twice before you hit the send key.

7. Don’t click that link or online ad
Just by clicking a link in an email or a pop-up window, you could turn your PC into a botnet slave, allow cybercriminals to inject malware into your device, or expose your personal information.
You may think that you are safe from all these dangers because you have a good antivirus product, but nowadays traditional antivirus protection isn’t enough anymore and you need additional weapons in the fight gainst online dangers.

8. Create back-up copies for your important stuff
Though you may have all the security protection in the world, disaster may still hit your system and your valuable files. It may be a system crash, a hard disk failure, a ransomware attack that encrypts your entire operating system or it may be a human mistake. There are so many reasons something can go wrong for you and your sensitive information, even if you followed all the netiquette rules in the book.

9. Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
If you do decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely, and preferably by private email rather than in public. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know any better. And never be arrogant or self-righteous about it. Just as it's a law of nature that spelling flames always contain spelling errors, notes pointing out Netiquette violations are often examples of poor Netiquette.

10. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
In real life, most people are fairly law-abiding, either by disposition or because we're afraid of getting caught. In cyberspace, the chances of getting caught sometimes seem slim. And, perhaps because people sometimes forget that there's a human being on the other side of the computer, some people think that a lower standard of ethics or personal behavior is acceptable in cyberspace.
The confusion may be understandable, but these people are mistaken. Standards of behavior may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life.

The sources are: 

Edited by:

Who are the East Slavs and where did they come from?

понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

Hey! Today, I will gonna talk to you about the migration of Slavs and for what reason they had migrated. First of all,The Slavs emerged from obscurity when the westward movement of Germans in the 5th and 6th centuries CE started the great migration of the Slavs, who settled the lands abandoned by Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns and their allies: westward into the country between the Oder and the Elbe-Saala line; southward into Bohemia, Moravia, much of present-day Austria, the Pannonian plain and the Balkans; and northward along the upper Dnieper river.

The origin and migration of Slavs in Europe between the 5th and 10th centuries AD

Around the 6th century, Slavs appeared on Byzantine borders in great numbers. Byzantine records note that Slav numbers were so great, that grass would not regrow where the Slavs had marched through. After a military movement even the Pelopponesse and Asia Minor were reported to have Slavic settlements. This southern movement has traditionally been seen as an invasive expansion. By the end of the 6th century, Slavs had settled the Eastern Alps Regions.

I hope that you got something useful from this information and I had interested in you about this historical period.