Who are the East Slavs and where did they come from?

Here, in my blog, I will tell you about the history of East Slavic Tribes from 9th century up to the present days, their lifestyle, traditions and rites, and more interesting stuff.

понедельник, 18 февраля 2019 г.

Hey! Today, I will gonna talk to you about the migration of Slavs and for what reason they had migrated. First of all,The Slavs emerged from obscurity when the westward movement of Germans in the 5th and 6th centuries CE started the great migration of the Slavs, who settled the lands abandoned by Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns and their allies: westward into the country between the Oder and the Elbe-Saala line; southward into Bohemia, Moravia, much of present-day Austria, the Pannonian plain and the Balkans; and northward along the upper Dnieper river.

The origin and migration of Slavs in Europe between the 5th and 10th centuries AD

Around the 6th century, Slavs appeared on Byzantine borders in great numbers. Byzantine records note that Slav numbers were so great, that grass would not regrow where the Slavs had marched through. After a military movement even the Pelopponesse and Asia Minor were reported to have Slavic settlements. This southern movement has traditionally been seen as an invasive expansion. By the end of the 6th century, Slavs had settled the Eastern Alps Regions.

I hope that you got something useful from this information and I had interested in you about this historical period.

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